Paul demo

Master Artist & Teacher

Paul Ingbretson


A London Summer Intensive: 'Boston School' Workshop For Oil and Pastel Painters

Jump to: Pricing & Pre-Registration, Details and focus, Required materials, What's provided?

Please note: the following schedule is subject to minor adjustments to best accommodate the needs and interests of participants.

Week 1:

Monday May 19
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Tuesday May 20
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
7pm-9pm: Composition class
Wednesday May 21
9am-5pm: Museum Visit
Thursday May 22
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Friday May 23
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Saturday May 24
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop

Week 2:

Monday May 26
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Tuesday May 27
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
7pm-9pm: Composition class
Wednesday May 28
9am-5pm: Museum Visit
Thursday May 29
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
7pm-9pm: Composition class
Friday May 30
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Saturday May 31
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop

Week 3:

Monday June 2
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Tuesday June 3
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
7pm-9pm: Composition class
Wednesday June 4
9am-5pm: Museum Visit
Thursday June 5
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
7pm-9pm: Composition class
Friday June 6
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Saturday June 7
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop

Week 4:

Monday June 9
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Tuesday June 10
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
7pm-9pm: Composition class
Wednesday June 11
9am-5pm: Museum Visit
Thursday June 12
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Friday June 13
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop
Saturday June 14
9am-5pm: Visual Order workshop

Details and Focus

Purpose: The purpose of the workshop is to introduce the Boston School color and light methods to oil or pastel painters who ideally already have some level of competence and confidence in drawing.

Paul demo

Major focus will be on color and light, visual order of effects, painterly drawing, simultaneous color and drawing, direct painting without mediums, working from the outside in, the arabesque, and the anchoring of all aspects of the visual world. Emphasis will be on the 'good' start, the lay-in, of the picture since it contains the keys to the entire painting process

Structure will include Boston School presentations and analysis of the underlying thinking, demonstration(s), and hands-on critiques of assigned work from still life to portrait. We will also take weekly trips to museums of the London area focusing on relevant work.

Instruction and Critiques will be, minimally, 3 days per week for the first 2 weeks of the workshop. During the last 2 weeks, every afternoon there will be a portrait and/or figure model from 1-4 pm.

Location: The workshop will be hosted at two separate, but close in proximity, locations in London, England. Location addresses will be given at a later date.

Pricing & Pre-Registration

Price: $4,800 for 4 weeks. Non-refundable deposit of 10% due at registration. Balance due on or before May 1, 2025. See pre-registration form below.

Paul demo
By Pre-registering you are letting us know that you are interested. Once we receive you details and determine your eligibility we will reach back out to you directly with an invoice for the down payment. There is very limited space so if are eligible, we will prioritize submissions in the order we received your pre-registration details. ||